Mermaid Nina Travels
Created by mermaid nina travels on May 2020 • 29.7K Views Total

Channel Description:

Thinking about visiting Disney? Disney World, Disneyland, Disney Cruise Line??...if its Disney (you are in the RIGHT place). This Channel is ALL ABOUT Disney; Rides, Resorts, Planning, Tips & Advice. FOLLOW ALONG and Subscribe!!

I am also a Travel Agent (with TMC Travel), specializing in Disney, AND I have lots of not only travel under my belt, but tips, advice, reviews, experience, stories and more. And as a HUGE Disney fan, guess where I go most?? Ok you guessed it - DISNEY!! World, Land or Sea...I will be posting about it. I am also a mom and deal with Food those topics will also be popping in as I VLOG my way through our Disney Adventures. To Disney & Beyond...

So come & join the FUN - Mermaid Nina

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